Dalia Ali is referred to as the begotten child of Enki, her Higher Self is Ningishzida/Thoth. Her Soul Essence is Heru who is a galactic emissary here with a message for humanity.
Heru/Horus comes from the Taurus constellation/ The Sacred Bull/ The Heavenly Cow (Hathor)
Hru is One of the Seven of the Pleiades Star system.
Dalia communicates with the “Gods” (who are Extraterrestrial Immortal beings) on a daily basis, she is their messenger and representative. They are : Amen RA – Hathor – Ninhursag – Isis/IShtar – Uttu – Enki – Thoth/Ningishzida and Mami/Mama/Mamitu
Dalia is a Lucid dreamer, a seer and shaman.
She holds a Computer Science & Information Technology degree from AinShams University in Cairo, Egypt. She is a filmmaker & a documentary editor.
Dalia’s genetic lineage is 100% Egyptian. From her Mother’s side she is a descendant of the Prophet Mohamed pbuh & her Great Grand Father Talha Al-Telmissany was a popular Sufi Sheikh, Sage, Miracle worker and Healer, whom the town of Kafr Al-Sheikh in Egypt is named after.
Her Galactic soul ancestry line ties her to the ThothMoses line of Ancient Egyptian royalty, ending with TutAnkhAmen who was her previous incarnation and the living avatar of Thoth/ Amen Ra. Another previous incarnation was Issa, who was also the living avatar of Thoth.
Dalia recollected her past incarnation memories from her Higher Self Thoth, upon her transfiguration / Kundalini rising in October, 2024. She recalled the death moments of TutAnkhAmen, and uncovered how he was murdered. She also recalled the final moment for Issa. Thoth has also given her his other incarnations in different Geographic l/ Genetic lines that identifies him as Quetzalcoatl among other Mesoamerican deities.
If you have any soul urging inquiries, you can reach Dalia at Dalia.ali.innerspace@gmail.com
Dalia Ali