We help you heal and transform at a rapid pace in ways you never thought was possible

Zoom Sessions

Hypnotherapy is available to you ONLINE, from the comfort of your own home! It’s identical to having a face-to-face session with me, as we work with your own unique issues on a video call.

“It really helped me to not have to worry about the commute after the session, I was able to hold myself as I fully integrate the session in my own bedroom, It’s the safest place I could think of, and I got to experience another level of healing because my nervous system was completely relaxed”

Immediate Intergration

Experience instantaneous results around an issue or a block, and integrate them on the spot, without having to spend years of coaching or therapy working on it.

“It’s like it was not even there!”

(Mirna’s Testimonial to back it up)

Subconscious Reprogramming

Witness your transformation by working from the deep subconscious level, without having to talk about the past or tell the same story over and over again.

Subconscious Reprogramming

Witness your transformation by working from the deep subconscious level, without having to talk about the past or tell the same story over and over again.

Subconscious / Superconscious


As you go deeper into your mind, you’re accessing the Realm of Infinite Possibilities.

It feels so relaxing, it’s as if you’re floating on a Cloud…

The Power of Manifestation

Access the wisdom of your Higher Mind, that connects to the Highest Frequencies in the field of the collective consciousness where thoughts become things.

Testimonials on Instant Manifestation

Command Cell Therapy

Experience another level of Energy Healing, as we regenerate the nucleus of every cell in your body and restore it to its original blueprint.

Tap into a state of lightness, comfort, and ease in your body like never before.

Examples of Physical Issues and Testimonials

People fully heal from :

❊ Thyroid disease

❊ STIs


❊ Chronic skin disorders

❊ Gut dysbiosis

❊ Physical traumas

❊ Impotence

❊ Chronic respiratory problems

❊ Hormonal imbalances

❊ Allergies, and

❊ Sexual trauma and reproductive disorders

Unique Transformation

harnessing the power of neuroplasticity and subconscious reprogramming to eradicate old self-limiting beliefs and program a new mindset that will shift any toxic pattern, habit, or mental block in your life

Dalia Ali

I specialize in guiding leaders to break through to the next stage in their life and business by removing obstacles and the ways they subconsciously block themselves (and you’ll be surprised what they are!).

Drawing upon a multidisciplinary background with expertise in epigenetics, neuroscience, physiology, early-childhood development, and quantum physics, I guide you instantly back to your true nature, free from limitations.

Working together, you make an instantaneous change releasing the self-limiting patterns keeping you from your greatest potential. Your unhealthy physical and mental patterns are shifted instantly and permanently.

All that you create in your life and business is simply a reflection of your internal world. When you clear up the internal, the external flourishes!
